Testimonials : |
In our business, the Seafarers can make or break a manning agent and for us, it is no exception.
Where mutual trust is of prime importance, some of our crewmembers who were on vacation at the time of the construction of this website are happy to share their opinion. For those of you whose names are not here, please rest assured that you are equally important and we duly honor your priceless contributions and loyalty for without all of you, we can accomplish nothing. |
2nd/Engineer Gunung Harten Ritonga. Peace be with you, I have known PT. Multikreasi Senalaut Services (PTMSS) as crewing agent since 1999. The first ship I joined through this company was SS Stena Conductor on 10 April 1999 as a Jr. Engineer. Before that, I had worked for other shipping companies including Shell Tanker. As long as I have joined ships through this company, I felt completely happy and satisfied with the services provided by their staffs starting from the day I joined until I completed my contract. I received not only professional service, but also good guidance from this company in all respects.They also paid detailed attention when it comes to providing documents to the joining crews so I never get stranded during my travel until I safely arrived on board. I recently had a minor accident on board. Immediately upon my return to Indonesia, PTMSS arranged medical treatment through the insurance-approved Doctor until I recovered. PTMSS never charges even a single cent from the joining Seamen. From my first assignment until now, their Management and staffs have never done so. They always treat Seamen amicably, friendly and polite. Unlike other agents, they really make Seamen feel at home without any distance between Seamen and the Agent. I do hope PTMSS will always maintain such excellent performance and remain professional. Salam Sejahtera, Saya Gunung Harten Ritonga, jabatan 2nd Engineer. Saya sudah mengenal PTMSS sebagai Agen pengawakan kapal – kapal asing sejak tahun 1999. Pertama kali saya join melalui Perusahaan ini adalah di Kapal SS Stena Conductor pada tanggal 10 April 1999 sebagai Jr Engineer. Sebelum itu saya bekerja di beberapa Perusahaan termasuk Shell Tanker. Selama saya bergabung dengan Perusahaan ini, saya merasa puas dan senang atas kinerja yang diberikan oleh seluruh staff PTMSS dari sejak saya join hingga saya menyelesaikan kontrak kerja saya. Tidak hanya pelayanan yang profesional tetapi saya merasa mendapatkan masukan atau arahan yang baik dari Perusahaan ini dalam segala hal. Dalam proses keberangkatan Pelaut, mereka juga sangat memperhatikan secara detail surat – surat dan segala halnya sehingga kami tidak terlantar selama perjalanan hingga tiba di kapal dengan selamat. Baru-baru ini, saya mengalami kecelakaan ringan di kapal. Begitu saya tiba kembali di Indonesia, PTMSS langsung mengurus proses pengobatan saya dengan Dokter Asuransi hingga saya sembuh. PTMSS tidak pernah memungut satu sen pun dari Pelaut yang berangkat melalui PTMSS. Dari pertama kali saya join hingga sekarang pimpinan PTMSS beserta karyawan tidak pernah melakukan hal tersebut. Mereka sangat kekeluargaan, ramah dan sopan.Tidak seperti Agen lainnya, saya merasa tidak ada batasan antara Pelaut dan Agen.Harapan saya terhadap PTMSS agar selalu mempertahankan kinerja yang sangat baik sekali dan tetap profesional. |
3rd/Engineer Herfanda Wangsa Atmadja. I have worked for AMP (Allseas Maritime Personnel) from 2006 until now through their Agent PTMSS. From the first time I came to apply for a job through PTMSS until I was hired by their Principal, I have been very satisfied with the service provided by their management and staffs. The management and staffs of PTMSS treat Seamen amicably and they are not like other agents, who mostly demand a kickback when a Seaman is accepted by their Principals. PTMSS strictly commits to clean business by not demanding even a single cent starting from the date I joined ship until the date I arrived back at home. I am hopeful that such integrity can be maintained and PTMSS will grow. Thank God in all circumstances and we will always be peaceful and happy almost all the time. That is my very significant words of wisdom while on duty during my numerous assignments through PTMSS. Saya Herfanda bekerja di AMP ( Allseas Maritime Personnel ) dari tahun 2006 sampai sekarang melalui Agen-nya yaitu PTMSS. Dari awal saya datang ke PTMSS untuk melamar pekerjaan sampai saya di terima bekerja, saya sangat puas dengan pelayanan dari seluruh karyawan dan pimpinan PTMSS. Cara pelayanan dari pimpinan dan karyawan PTMSS kepada Pelaut dengan cara kekeluargaan dan tidak seperti agen– agen yang ada di Jakarta yang kebanyakan meminta imbalan apabila di terima sebagai Pelaut. Kalau di PTMSS betul – betul murni tidak meminta satu sen pun dari Pelaut, apabila diterima bekerja sebagai Pelaut maupun yang pulang berlayar. Harapan saya semoga hal-hal seperti ini tetap di pertahankan dan PTMSS semakin berkembang. Bersyukurlah dalam setiap keadaan maka niscaya kita akan selalu damai dan gembira hampir sepanjang masa, itulah kata mutiara saya bermakna sangat dalam , termasuk dalam menjalankan tugas selama saya bekerja melalui PTMSS. Wassalam |
Chief Officer Haris. I started working for Flinter Management B.V through PTMSS since Nov 2008 which at that time was still located on the 2nd floor of the same building. Before I came to this company, I have heard a lot about their reputation. So many Seamen wanted to join but not all of them can fulfill the qualification required by PTMSS for their Principals. I am one of the lucky few who can work for Flinter and I started as 2nd Officer. After completing my 6 months contract, I got promotion to become a Chief Officer and until now I have served as Chief Officer on 4 vessels. Having dealt with this company for three years, I feel more comfortable if compared to my previous crewing agent. They helped me discuss my request with their Principals.The office staffs are warm and friendly and most important is that they don’t take money from Seamen who joined ships through this company. |
Bosun Martin Samuel Rantung. I have worked for Flinter through PTMSS since 2001 until this day. For as long as I have joined ships through this company, I felt completely satisfied with their services. They provided an immaculate service to me and my family and in more than 10 years I have worked for Flinter, they have never delayed my rights. In my opinion, they are the best crewing agent, because their service in serving Seamen is highly professional, not to mention the fact that they never charge anything to Seamen. If the Good Lord allows, I would love to make this Company as the last agent in my sea - going career because having sailed for more than 30 years through various crewing agents, I had never come across a better crewing agent than PTMSS. I do hope this cooperation will last for a very long time and the family atmosphere at PTMSS can be maintained. Last but not least, I can highly recommend PTMSS as your reliable Partner for your crewing needs. Saya Martin Rantung, Jabatan Bosun, bergabung dengan PTMSS sejak tahun 2001 sampai dengan sekarang ini. Selama saya bekerja melalui Perusahaan ini, saya merasa sangat puas. Mereka memberikan pelayanan yang sangat baik kepada saya dan selama lebih dari 10 tahun bekerja pada Flinter, mereka tidak pernah sekalipun menunda apa yang menjadi hak saya. Menurut pendapat saya, PTMSS merupakan agen pengawakan yang terbaik, dikarenakan pelayanan dalam mengurus Pelaut sangat prefesional dan didasarkan dengan kekeluargaan dan tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dari Pelaut. Jika Tuhan mengijinkan, saya ingin menjadikan Perusahaan ini sebagai agen terakhir dalam karir saya sebagai Pelaut, karena dengan masa layar lebih dari 30 tahun melalui beberapa crewing agent, saya tidak pernah menemukan agen pengawakan yang lebih baik dari PTMSS. Saya berharap kerjasama ini dapat berlangsung untuk waktu yang panjang dan rasa kekeluargaan yang ada didalam PTMSS tidak hilang.Akhir kata, saya sangat merekomendasikan PTMSS sebagai Mitra anda yang dapat dipercaya apabila perusahaan anda membutuhkan Pelaut. |
AB Hasmin Ramang. I started working through PTMSS in 2010 and am still part of it. Since I joined the Flinterhaven through this company, the service provided to me has been highly satisfactory in terms of document arrangement, assignment as well as reassignment. They also never charge money to Seamen and not even a small amount of money. In my opinion, PTMSS is an excellent agent, because they never make things difficult for the Seamen. As a crewmember, I feel very proud of PTMSS. May PTMSS continue to be successful and is able to maintain its reputation. It is my hope that this cooperation will continue smoothly and always be based on a family atmosphere. Saya, Hasmin Ramang dengan jabatan sebagai AB.Saya mulai bergabung dengan PTMSS tahun 2010 sampai sekarang. Sejak saya bergabung untuk bekerja di kapal Flinterhaven yang diageni oleh PTMSS, pelayanan terhadap saya sangat memuaskan baik mengenai pengurusan dokumen, keberangkatan maupun keberangkatan kembali.Mereka juga tidak pernah memungut biaya sedikit pun dari Pelaut (Crew). PTMSS merupakan Agen yang sangat baik menurut saya, karena kita tidak pernah dipersulit dalam pengurusan apa pun. Saya sebagai crew merasa sangat banggga terhadap PTMSS dan semoga PTMSS tetap jaya dan selalu menjaga nama baiknya Dan saya berharap kerja sama yang selama ini tetap berjalan dengan baik dan selalu didasari rasa kekeluargaan. |
AB/Cook Muhammad Inuh bin Tamin. I have worked on the Flinter ships through PTMSS since 2002 until now. Throughout the period they have helped me to work, the service given to me and my family is highly satisfactory, be it when it comes to processing my assignment, throughout the period I was on board as well as when it comes to re-scheduling my next assignment. Before the year 2002, I had worked for many shipping companies through various agents. However, only at PTMSS I received a very sincere attention. Therefore, based on my experience I can easily say that PTMSS is the best crewing agent, because they treat Seamen like a family and also they have never charged money to Seamen. I am hopeful that this cooperation will continue for a long time and that the family atmosphere shown by PTMSS will never vanish. Saya Inuh bin Tamin, jabatan AB/Cook. Saya telah bekerja di kapal-kapal Flinter melalui PTMSS sejak tahun 2002 sampai sekarang.Selama Perusahaan ini membantu saya bekerja, pelayanan terhadap saya dan keluarga saya sangat memuaskan baik dalam hal pengurusan keberangkatan, selama saya menjalani kontrak dan bahkan sampai penjadwalan kembali dimana semuanya sangat memuaskan. Sebelum tahun 2002, saya bekerja pada beberapa Perusahaan Pelayaran melalui beberapa Agen.Namun, saya merasakan baru di PTMSS saya merasa sangat diperhatikan.Bisa saya katakan bahwa berdasarkan pengalaman saya, PTMSS merupakan Agen Pengawakan yang terbaik menurut saya dikarenakan pelayanan dalam mengurus Pelaut didasarkan dengan kekeluargaan dan tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dari Pelaut. Saya berharap kerjasama ini dapat berlangsung selamanya dan rasa kekeluargaan yang ada di dalam perusahaan PTMSS tidak hilang. Wassalam |